剧情一朵小红花讲述了:如果可能,找一个你愿意跟他说话的人结婚。跟他在一起就有说不完的话,天南海北鸡毛蒜皮,不管快乐还是忧伤的事,都能眉飞色舞的说个没完,他也能耐心微笑着倾听,这基本可以肯定就是爱了。爱一个人,就是愿意跟他说话。人生漫长,容颜易老,找个能说话的陪伴一生,实在是幸运之极。 In this exquisite Russian adaptation of "Beauty and the Beast," a merchant with three daughters sets out for overseas and promises to return with presents. The youngest and most beautiful, Alyoria, asks for a scarlet flower she dreamed about, in the realm of a forest beast. When the merchant finds the flower, he winds up the beast's captive# with his daughter rushing to his res...