美国,美剧阿尔玛不是一般人第一季讲述了:做人要有信仰,做事要有信心。信仰是指路明灯,信心是前进动力。打跨自己的,不是别人,而是你自己。不要把一次的失败看成是人生的终审,世上没有一帆风顺的事,只有坚强不倒的信心与毅力。逃是懦弱的,避是消极的,退就显得更加无能。成功的道路得靠自己闯,心在哪里,路就在哪里。After a recent break-up, Alma tries to get her life back on track. But with no job, no qualifications and a rebellious streak a mile wide, it is not going to be easy. Meanwhile, her heroin-addicted mum has been sectioned for arson, and her vampish grandma Joan wants nothing to do with it.
A bitingly funny and unflinching take on class, sexuality, mental health and substance abu...