[清空] 播放记录
One day, the wife has changed. She becomes more forgetful, gets herself lost on the streets, and finds it hard to recognize people she meets every day. She used to cook full meals for many guests but now struggles to even make fried eggs. Like so, her time goes backward与其指望遇到一个谁,不如指望自己能吸引那样的人;与其指望每次失落的时候会有正能量出现温暖你,不如指望自己变成一个正能量的人;与其担心未来,还不如现在好好努力。有时即使有再多的安慰和指点也没用,能说服和鼓励自己的,还是只有自己。而我能做的,只是告诉你我们都一样,不要怕。